Canadian Spring

ohJo so glad you are going to the cottage.  Your refuge. your little realm in the woods.

Take lots of bug spray. I heard that the black flies are out in droves.

I will sit on my porch. I miss going north but I am not ready for it yet. I am going to wait for a while. There is no big hurry for me. I do have all of the comforts of home.

I am glad that your corner is cleaned. You have less tolerance for messiness than I do. I just kind of  push everything aside and carry on. 

The goal for our flower pressing is not so much dyeing the fabric as using the flowers for printing and decorations in my book. The biggest problem is that I don't have the flower press. Even if Tom makes one for me I will have to travel to get it. So for now I am back to my old method of using my big coffee table books for the pressing. Today I am using Russia, Tomorrow I night start on India. I can look at all of the pictures and pretend that I am there while I load the flowers. Absolutely no documentation going on. As usual.

Take lots of photos. I do miss our Vivian challenge.

 Maybe we should carry on with that one. Sunset and sunrise in cottage country are always great. Whichever one you care to participate in.
Have a great weekend. Oh I don't think that I miss that flying up the 400 in bumper to bumper traffic.
Stay safe,

