Hi Jo.

I am stitching. Hand stitching. It's a very big project and I think I  have a year to get it done. I hope to finish it before then but. .we know that my attention span sometimes loses its momentum somewhere in the "I am three quarters finished so I don't have to do any more until the deadline is looming " spot.

In this pic I am at the just starting stage.  So far I am enjoying it.

I also am multitasking. I am doing two things at the same time. I am stitching and I am reading. Two things that are not really easy to combine without the wonders of technology. I can keep my hands busy and listen to talking books at the same time. It's lovely.

We have a mutual friend who keeps a careful record of the books that he reads every year. He notes the author, publisher of each book that he reads. And he keeps a running total of the number of pages.  He tries to improve each year. Such pressure.

So I am keeping a record of the books that I read (and listen to) while I am working on my stitch project. I think I can handle that much documentation.

So here is my list so far.

Oct.10 Women Talking by Miriam Toews

Oct. 11 Wintering by Katharine May

Oct.14 Double Blind by Edward St. Aubyn. Read by Benedict Cumberbatch--which is why I chose it

Oct. 20 Noise by Daniel Kahneman. Oliver Sibony. Cass Sunstein

Oct. 27 How the Word is Passed by Clint Smith.

After two days of dark rainy days it's nice to see the sun .

Early morning sun from the south.

Hope you are enjoying the sun. See you soon.


  1. Your project looks interesting. So calming to hand stitch. Our mutual friend has quite the system but always seems happy to read some more. I must try talking books. My reruns of shows is getting old. The sun was beautiful today.


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