things that are LOST in this house.

 Morning Jo.

I know how much you like lists so I am going to share a list that I keep in my head. I probably would not be able to find it if I kept it anywhere else.

 It's the list of things that are LOST in this house.

1. The collection of handknit sock onesies that I hang on the mantle or elsewhere at Christmastime. I have looked everywhere i can think of. Now it will stay lost in this house for at least 10 months. I expect to find it in July and I promise I will put it in a safe place so that I will know where it is come December. And of course you know there is no mantle but I usually can find a good spot for my collection. I try to knit one sock every year. This year I made 2 but they seemed a little sad and lonely so I didn't display them.

2.The second key for my car. The new keys don't need to be inserted so you can't really hide one anywhere in the vehicle and they are pretty expensive to replace. I like to know that I have a spare. My friend  N lost her keys one time in the back forty. She kept both of her keys on the same ring...big mistake. 

3.  The stamp of a crow that  our friend H made and I loved so much that she lent it to me.  I was very careful with it all the way home but now it seems to be on the lost list.

Now the list of recently FOUND in this house things.

1. The Beadazzler!!! Found --oh I should document the dates found--- I found it on the shelf that I had looked at several times but didn't see. This time when I looked there it was.  I haven't used it yet but I know where  it is.

2. The bag of zippers that I bought from Amazon because I was going to make a few zipped bags. So I have 75 colourful 7 inch zippers in case you are making bags.  Amazon makes it so cheap to buy large packs of items so much more economical that singles. But really how am I going to use 75 7 inch zippers. If they were paying for storage they would have been kicked out by now.

3. The container of safety pins that I have found a new use for. I used to use them for basting my quilts but I don't baste any more because the longarm takes over the basting task. 

I bought three pairs of jeans at our local Big Sisters Nearly New shop. they sell jeans for $5 a pair. i am embellishing them all (some use for the found Bedazzler) and then I will donate them back to the shop. I hope someone will love them and purchase them there. Keeps me happy stitching without having to keep things. Win/win. I hope I will see someone wearing some of my creations one day.

4. The list that I wrote for my overnight trip to Toronto this week.. I don't have a lot of data on my phone so I wrote a list of where I was going and how to get to and from each museum that I wanted to see. I found the list where I had left it on the table. I found it after I returned from my trip.  Yes I quickly ran out of data. 

The Trip was wonderful. i will tell you about it later.

Happy stitching.

Your friend Karenwhifindslostthings.
